MDMA is a first year design project, creating space for digital achieves and art exhibition related to music. My design proposes a 1,5m wide corridor going around, with one floor straight and one ramp, one straight, one ramp..., with different activities and exhibitions along. The performance space is situated in the middle of the building and can be seen from the top floor through curtain wall. The design was influenced by lollipop stick, and challenged to accommodate the program, circulation and exhibition on a narrow path, forcing people to go through the entire building.
One of the essential parts of a computer are the cables, they being indispensable for the functioning of a digital archive. Inspired by their colors and layers, i started to experiment with different setups, overlapping them, while maintaining each colour meaning. The thin rooms created reflect the linear path for circulation inside the building.
Topography is a group site model made for the 1.3 MDMA Digital Archive representing Castlefield area in Manchester.
Papermetrics was a workshop project focused on exploring materials, structures and the way that kinds of space can be articulated using computational processes allied with our developing ability to manipulate both volume and light.
Creating a listening chamber, along Rochdale Canal, the process started through urban sketching and researching the relationship between sound and space. Were considered the acoustic qualities of space; the shapes and surfaces that reflect/ absorb sounds and how these might augment someone's perception of sound. The relationship between site, music and listener is unique for each project, being the starting point for design.